Activities for November & December 2022

winners of fall horseshoe tournnament holding horseshoes
Pat Howe of Spencer (right) was the winner of the 2022 GMC Worcester Section Camp Horseshoe Tournament. Neim Moennsad (left) was the runner up.

Dear Members and Friends

Please join us to enjoy these hikes and other activities in November and December. You do not have to be a member to participate. You can find the details on our Google Calendar.

Saturday, November 19, 2022. Hike God’s Acre and Tetasset Ridge in Worcester.

Saturday, November 26, 2022. Hike Tully Mountain in Orange, MA.

Saturday, December 3. 2022. Paddle the Assabet River from Northboro to Hudson.

Saturday, December 17, 2022. Hike Kettle Brook in Worcester.

Saturday, December 31, 2022. Hike the Midstate Trail from Sibley Farm in Spencer to Route 9 in Spencer.

Happy New Year and Happy Hiking in 2023 to Everyone!!

Ram Moennsad, President
GMC, Worcester Section

Annual Meeting & Ham Dinner

Saturday October 29, 2022 at the GMC lodge from 4 to 7:30pm

Please join us for the Green Mountain Club, Worcester Section – Annual Meeting. It will be held next Saturday, October 29, 2022 at the GMC lodge, 345 Rawson Street in Leicester. If you have not signed up for the meeting yet, you can sign up by calling 508-826-6842.

There will be a social hour from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. We will have a baked ham and bean dinner starting at 5:00 pm. Our business meeting will follow the dinner at 6:00 pm. Our guest speaker Glenn Colburn is a Board Member of the Opacum Land Trust and GMC member. He will speak about the properties and on going work of the Opacum Land Trust, located in Sturbridge, MA.

The cost for the dinner is $10.00 which can be paid at the door. We hope that you are able to join us at the dinner and meeting.

Best regards,

Ram Moennsad, President
Margos Stone, Treasurer
Green Mountain Club
Worcester Section
Tel. 508..826..6842

October Events

Please join GMC Worcester for these events! Anyone can participate – you don’t have to be a member.

See the Green Mountain Club – Worcester Section Events Calendar for complete information on all upcoming activities & outings.

Saturday, October 8. Flat water paddle.  Canoe or kayak Lake Buffum in Oxford.

Saturday, October 15. 9:30 am. Camp Clean Up. 345 Rawson Street in Leicester.

Saturday and Sunday, October 22-23. Join us for the Worcester Section Fall Work Party on the Stratton Mountain Section of the Long Trail.

Saturday, October 29, Worcester Section, Annual Meetingat the camp, 345 Rawson Street in Leicester.

In Memoriam

The Green Mountain Club mourns the passing of Kimball “Kim”
Simpson, who died peacefully at home in Westborough, MA on
December 15, 2021, surrounded by his loving family. Kim was a long
time member of the Worcester Section. The full story of Kim is
presented in the Spring 2022 edition of the Long Trail News on page

Kim will be long remembered for his work to permanently protect
the Long Trail corridor. He served also as Chairman of the Midstate
Trail in Massachusetts (which runs the entire length of the state from
north to south) and worked tirelessly to protect and maintain that
trail as well. He is remembered in addition to his leadership for his
kind and generous spirit. We thank Kim and his wife Kate for their
decades of service to the Green Mountain Club.

Annual Meeting & Lunch

GMC, Worcester Section, Annual Meeting at the camp, 345 Rawson Street in Leicester. 

  • Social Hour from 11:00 to noon.  
  • Baked Ham and Bean Picnic Dinner at noon.   A vegetarian dinner will also be offered.  The cost is $10.00 per person for the dinner and can be paid at the door. The cost for children under 12 is $5.00. Please indicate if you would like a ham or vegetarian meal. The maximum cost per family with children is $25.
  • Business Meeting at 1:00 pm
  • Guest Speaker to be announced. 

To register for the meeting and picnic, please mail the attached reservation form to Margos Stone, Treasurer, 1A Kensington Heights, Worcester, MA 01602, or email him at Make your check payable to the GMC, Worcester Section. A vegetarian dinner will also be offered. The cost is $10.00 per person for the dinner and can be paid at the door. The cost for children under 12 is $5.00. Please indicate if you would like a ham or vegetarian meal. The maximum cost per family with children is $25.

Hump Day Fun!

We have started a new activity at the GMC Camp in Leicester called Hump Day Evening Horseshoes and Cornhole. If you are interested in playing horseshoes in the new pits, and/or playing Cornhole, please come to the camp on Wednesday evenings. We will be playing from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Please bring food to share for a cookout. Whether you are a beginner or a long-time player, come join in and have some fun. If enough folks are interested, we can organize a tournament later in the year. Our camp is located at 345 Rawson Street in Leicester.

See News or the Google calendar for our latest activities.